Gait Weight Line Vectors
Before we had cell phones, we would actually memorize phone numbers! Memorizing phone numbers may be a thing of the past but this phone number you will want to remember. Stressing out over memorizing ground reaction forces throughout the stance phase at the hip, knee, and ankle no more! Memorize the phone number below, and you will also have memorized the ground reaction forces of the lower extremity throughout the entire stance phase of gait.
Notice how the letters in the phone number correlate to the letter A&P in the chart. Reading the char from left to right, starting at ankle and initial contact. When you first start out filling in the chart above, the letter A is first to start (just as its first in the alphabet). So you see the number 2 in the phone number, in the first spot in the chart write an “A” and then another “A” to the place holder to the right of the first (the #2=2As’). Next you alternate to “P” (so that P has a turn). In the next place holder, to the right of the last “A” you wrote, draw a “P” and then another “P” since the number of Ps’ you need 2. Next write two As’ and then alternate back to Ps’. So then you write only one P and so on. Now you try: